Thursday, January 8, 2009

Joshua is 3!

I can hardly believe it, but Joshua turned 3 yesterday. We went to the zoo on his big day to see the animals and hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa was working the later shift, which Joshua was ecstatic about. As soon as he saw Grandpa in the car he said, "Grandpa doesn't have to work anymore!!"

We did Stingray bay again which he LOVED. We were the only people in there. I also got smart this time and brought an extra shirt since I knew that Joshua's would get wet from putting his belly on the wall. It was pretty cold to be at the zoo at 9:30, but we had a great time.

The major highlight was that the bear got so close to us. He was right on the other side of the window playing with a box.

After a long time at the zoo we went to lunch at a sports grill called Sneakers that has a lunch buffet. It was an experience. There were hardly any customers. I kept waiting for Gordon Ramsay to pop out of the kitchen yelling, "Shut it down."

On the way home we got to see a very rare animal. It was the elusive "Morgan sleeping in car seat." She NEVER falls asleep in the car. Her lips look all nice and luscious because the dessert at the buffet was red jello cups.

Joshua's party is on Saturday, so that should be a lot of fun. He is very excited about it too. Every time he gets up in the morning or after a nap he says, "Go to party now?"

Now that Joshua is a Big boy, he is going to start potty training on Monday. I am terrified. We will see who cracks first.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Happy Birthday to Joshua! Good luck on the potty training, I can't wait for that day to come:)

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